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Jun 23, 2011

Hey Y'all

Just trying that's definitely a better contraction of 'you all' than the local "yu'ns" or "yi'ns". I'm not exactly sure where to put the apostrophe there, because spell-check counts "ya'll" as a word, but not the other two.

Anyways, no we haven't moved yet.  But we have some real and tangible details (well almost tangible). Last time I posted, I mentioned that we finally knew when we were moving, but not how or where. We now know for a fact that while the move will be paid for, we have to move ourselves.  Apparently the moving company that Hubby's new job uses laughed at him when he asked for a quote.  Something about not being able to arrange the logistics that quickly.  Welcome to our world.  Assholes. Geez, you'd think that they'd understand that I'm an internet celebrity and that they should do it for free in exchange for free publicity.  Regardless of their inconsiderate nature, we at least know now how.

I have been talking to a really nice realtor in the Atlanta area who sounds exactly like Paula Deen.  I was kinda disappointed when I saw her picture after we first talked and she looks nothing like her, but I can't really hold that against her.  We have narrowed our choices to a dozen or so places that look promising, but are just waiting to be able to see them before making a decision.  That's right.  Fitz and Hubby are going on a vacation! First one in five years.  Of course by vacation, I mean that we're going to a new city and being showed a ton of apartments in only a couple of days, but still! Usually when we get away, we visit parents, which is a vacation for no one.  And? We get a chauffeur! Well to see the places at least.

So Tuesday evening, we are driving to Baltimore and are staying with some friends....I am SOOOOOOO excited, because I haven't seen K or M for two years.  True, they're both lawyers, but I don't hold it against them.  Then, at the ass-crack of dawn, we're flying down to Atlanta (by way of Fort Lauderdale, Florida...what the fuck??), and spending the next 48 hours in the "Capital of the South", which Atlanta never was, but whatever.

Anyways, by the time we get back to the 'North' on Friday, we should have finally have the where.  Then we are finally set to actually pack up and move.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to start prepping for tomorrow's excursion.  Both animals are going to the vet for check-ups and then I'm driving around for an hour or so to see how the cat does in the car.  Hopefully, all involved will survive.

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