My last two sets of responsibilities for this year's Spring cleaning? Vacuum the house, and do laundry. Since we were having people over, I vacuumed the vast majority of the house on Saturday. Except I was running late, so I only did the rooms that people would be in. And I still haven't gotten back to finishing. Even though I left the vacuum in the middle of the bedroom. So I wouldn't forget.
Hubby has been having me do the laundry for a while now. Especially since I sit around on my ass and watch Netflix and On Demand all day. And I'm very good at starting laundry. Just not finishing it. Two days ago, I started a load of clothes around noon. They finally went to the dryer for 20 minutes around seven pm. They got another 20 minutes around nine. Around 11, they still felt damp, so I added a few more minutes. I went upstairs to watch some television while I waited. I went to bed around 4AM. The clothes came out of the dryer around seven pm. 18 hours after I started laundry.
I wasn't always this bad with laundry. At my first apartment, I was always on top of it. It didn't hurt that the washer and dryer were just outside of my bedroom. Not in the basement like ours is now. Of course that same apartment, I had the roommate whose dog would crap at the top of the stairs. Since her bedroom was downstairs, she never noticed. And then she had the gall to get pissed when my other roommate and I started leaving the dog crap on her bed.
Then there was the one Saturday night where I came home
Neither of those anecdotes really have anything to do with laundry. They just reinforce how much I hated that first apartment. Now if you'll excuse me, I promised to make a desert for tonight. And if I start now, I still wont finish before Hubby comes home. And it has to chill for 6 hours. I'm on a roll.
My big problem with laundry is putting it away. I've always been good at getting it through the wash/dry cycle in a timely fashion and I usually fold it as I take it out of the dryer, but when it comes to putting it away - forget it! I suck!
My biggest issue with laundry is actually starting it. And folding it. And putting it away. I promised myself though part of my spring cleaning will be to fix all that. Although I guess it's technically summer cleaning now. do realize its Summer now, right??
And I HATE folding laundry. It sits in the dryer until I've picked out everything I actually need (as I need it) and Jason is standing around wondering why He hasn't worn a clean pair of underwear in a week.
Yeah, I'm disturbed it takes him that long to say something too.
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